It's crazy that all throughout childhood, everything leads up to "when I grow up.." And now.. it's actually happening! It's time to begin the next chapter! I have so many mixed feelings, which is expected. I'm moving down to Snow College this Saturday. By myself. I don't even know my roommates. I'll be completely on my own. I don't think it's really hit me yet. I'm so excited, yet so sad. I'm going to miss so many amazing people I've grown up with, and now it's time to set off in our separate directions. Goodbyes are here, but they are not forever.
My first real goodbye that I had to give was back in April. My very best friend left to serve the Lord for 2 years. 2 YEARS! It's been extremely hard without him by my side, but I know it will all be worth it. I love him so much, and I'm so proud of him.
His letters keep me sane.
In his last email, he told me that he was "jealous" of my uke, so he made his own.:)
Anyways, I could go on all day. I'll move on now. :)
I said some other goodbyes this Summer to the amazing boys that I am lucky enough to call my brothers. I don't know where I would be without them and their amazing examples. They are all out serving LDS missions, right now (except Skyler leaves in September).
Now for my amazing Sisterhood. I don't even know how to put into words how much these girls mean to me. Each and every one of them is so beautiful inside and out, and our friendship is so dear to me. I'm so sad to be without them, but I'm so excited to see where life takes these incredible girls. Our sisterhood is forever, so I'm not worried. :)
Ella and I have been best friends since the 7th grade. I don't know what I would have done without her friendship, she's truly incredible. She's going to have so much fun down at Dixie!
Rachel and I have had quite the history. :) Going from pretty much hating each other through childhood to becoming best friends in the 9th grade. :) She is such a strong and beautiful daughter of God, and she deserves the best. Hopefully she doesn't find a hubby at BYU this year! ;)
Kayci is the first person I go to when I need to talk. She has a real gift when it comes to giving advice and just listening to someone who needs to vent. She's going to have an amazing year at BYU this year. :)
Each one of my sisters are seriously so incredibly amazing. I can't wait until each of them find their eternal companions, because these guys are going to have to be incredible to be worthy for these girls. :)
The Brotherhood and Sisterhood.
Jared is one of my dearest friends. He's been such a great friend to me always, no matter the situation. He even took me to THE Ed Sheeran concert. I know, right? He's going to do amazing things in life.
And now for my amazing family. I know these goodbyes aren't forever, but that doesn't mean they aren't hard. I have such an amazing family; extended as well as immediate. I have received so much support from these people through everything. I can trust them with anything, and I love them all so much. I'm really glad families are forever. <3
My closest cousin, Josh, is one heck of a guy. We have been like two peas in a pod since he was born. I love him so much, and I couldn't imagine life without him! I always wished we lived in the same town, so we could have gone to school together, but we're still as close as ever.
My other cousins are such amazing kids. I'm so glad that I'm able to be as close with them as we are. :) Tyler and Andrew. These guys are total bosses.
My mom is such an incredible example to me. She is so honest in all that she does, and she always knows when I need to talk. I'm going to miss being around her so much, but I know she's only a phone call away. :) (and she hates I have none with just her)
My sister, Britney, is one of my best friends. Even though we fight, I know I can always talk to her when I'm having a hard time. She's such a beautiful person, inside and out.
My daddio is such a great man. I'm so glad we got to spend so much time together during my softball years. He supports me in everything I do, even though he would rather be on the field than a choir concert. ;)
Aaaaand little Sophster. Sophi is seriously the light in my day, and I love her so much! She has been such a blessing in our family, I couldn't imagine life without this little bundle of craziness.
The beautiful thing about this life is that goodbyes aren't permanent. They aren't forever. I'm so thankful for these people and their positive influences on my life. I don't know where I would be without each and every one of them. This life is an adventure the whole way. I'm so ready to begin this new chapter of living; my adventure.
and to everyone else, see you soon.
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