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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

temples, cousins, & a skype sesh

Quite a bit has happened in this past week, so I figured I'd blog about it for all of you who read this (aka probably only my mom and grandma.  thanks guys.) 

Anywho, since I have my mission call, I was able to go through the temple and receive my endowment!  I chose to go through the Jordan River Temple since that's where my beautiful family was sealed a little less than 18 years ago.  (wow, I'm old.)  Here's a little throwback for ya'll. 

Yeah, I know.  My dad had hair.  Weird, right? 

On Thursday, May 8th, 2014, I received my endowment.  It was a little overwhelming, but I felt the spirit so incredibly strong.  Now it's time to go as much as possible before I head out to Canada!  :)  
Also, thanks so much to my wonderful family and friends who were able to join me in such a big event in my life, it really meant so much.


 This weekend I got to go to my cousin Andrew's state soccer games!  He's only a freshman and he's starting varsity!  I'm so glad I was able to go to watch him play.  Although they lost in the state championship game, they played their little hearts out.  Annnnd they got to play at Rio Tinto--kind of a big deal.  Anyways, he did fantastic.  I also got to watch my cousin Josh's baseball games!  This kid has been my bff since birth and I'm so proud to call him my cousin.

Andrew and I after his first game^^^

Now for the skype sesh...Sunday was Mothers Day, and as you all know, Mothers Day is one of the two days a year that missionaries get to skype or call home!  On Sunday morning, I was surprised to get a text from Adam's mom saying that I was welcome to come over during his skype call!  I was so not expecting it, and it made me super nervous to be honest.  I didn't know if I should go because I didn't want to freak him out or distract him or anything, but eventually I ended up going.  Let me just tell you that it was probably the greatest thing I've ever done...seriously.  Just hearing his laugh and his voice that I haven't heard in over a year put me on cloud 9!  And I'm still on cloud 9..I'm not sure if it's supposed to last this long...but I'll take it! Only one more year until I talk to him again when I'm out on my mish and he's home!
Although this wait/decision to serve as well has been one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do, I know it's going to be more than worth it.  1 year and 9 months til we're together again?  We're getting there.



  1. Whatevs! I read your blog too! ;) I'm glad I've been able to see you so much lately! So happy that you were able to receive your endowments. Such a big deal! Love you Brooke!

    1. Awh thanks Julie! I'm so happy you guys live so close now! It's the best:) I love you!

  2. I didn't even know you had a blog! I'll read it now! <3 You are so amazing Brooke!
