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Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Wow.  That about sums up today.  Honestly I've never felt so loved.  Like a ton of bricks, it hit me today how blessed I am.  Today is my 19th birthday.  Yep, the big 19!  Holy cow, I really can't even believe how blessed I am. 

Friday started out as a normal day, then around 1 o'clock, I decided to check the mail.  I opened up the mailbox to find a letter and a package from my best friend in the whole world!  

Elder Adam Grant Hunter sent me a birthday package.

  I can't even describe the joy I felt in that moment.  Then, I realized I needed to wait until Tuesday, my birthday, to open it.  I took it up to my room, and just stared at it.  It's pretty pathetic, but I have no self control.  I made my roommate Hannah hide it in her room so I wouldn't rip it open any second.  Then I was able to focus and actually do my homework. :)

(He's doing great, by the way. ^^^ Almost a quarter of the way there!) 

Monday night came around, and I decided I wanted to open the package at midnight.  I could NOT wait any longer.  My roommates took me to WalMart around 11:15, and we got an Oreo ice cream cake and some candles.  :) 

 We got home and Hannah put the candles in the cake.  Finally, I looked at my clock, and it was midnight!  Time to open the package that I'd been DYING to open.  It took forever to get through all the tape, but at last, I got it open!  He gave me a cute card, a letter, a little missionary folded paper thing, and a new pillow pet.  He knows me too well.  Ha he knows I'm in need of another cuddle buddy while he's gone.  :) 

I saved the letter to read for when I was alone.  (bad idea bad idea bad idea) I guess you could say his letters make me crazy.  (and by crazy I mean emotional)  He's seriously the most adorable thing to ever happen to me.  Oh how I love that missionary.  
Anyways, before I get too carried away, my roommates and I ate the cake after that.  Anything with oreos=heaven in my opinion.  Then I decided I should probably go to bed! 

This morning, I was awakened by a phone call.  The one and only...wait for it.....
I'm pretty positive I sounded like a smoker, since I just woke up, but that's ok.  It's just a good thing we're close. :)  Honestly, this made my day 10 times better.  Waking up to this wonderful boy's sweet phone call wishing me a happy birthday was just what I needed.  Thanks Jared.  :)
I skipped my first class of the day...I mean you only have a birthday once a year, may as well do what you want, right? So I got to sleep in, and let me tell you, it felt AMAZING. 

I went to my other two classes, and while walking home, a good friend of mine saw me and decided we should go get some ice cream.  After getting my roommates, we all went to the Malt Shoppe.  Some people are seriously the nicest.  

I had practice for Arise at 4:30, and that was so great.  Arise is the institute choir here at Snow College, and it has been such a blessing in my everyday life.  They made me get up on the stool in front of everyone while they sang Brother Boothe's rendition of Happy Birthday TWICE.  Really.  Twice.  I was DYING.  My face was so red.  Ha at least that's over!  We had a wonderful choir practice, and the spirit was so strong.  I love that choir with all my heart, and I can testify that the Lord loves each and everyone of us.  

To finish off my day, my Mom, Dad, and Sophi came down to Ephraim and took me to dinner.  They even bought me a new set of scriptures, which I'm so stoked about!  It was so nice of them.  I really have the best parents out there.  

I came home to a cute little baked treat from our neighbors Brooke and Maitlyn,  Can I just say that these girls are the sweetest people out there?  Honestly, they are such beautiful girls inside and out. 

All day, I received text after text, instagram post after instagram post, and facebook posts after facebook posts wishing me a happy birthday.  I couldn't believe how many people went out of their way to make my day wonderful.  

Today got me thinking.  Why do we have to wait for a special occasion to do something nice for someone?  Everyday you're alive is a special occasion!  I decided to make it my responsibility to treat everybody like it's their birthday, no matter the day of the year.  Every single person deserves to feel loved, and not just on their birthday.  So why shouldn't I go out of my way to make someone feel loved and special on any given day??  There's no point in waiting until there's an extraordinary reason to celebrate life.  Everyday you're still breathing is a reason to be happy.  I'm challenging everyone reading this to go out and make someone feel special.  Anybody.  It could be your best friend, your brother or sister, the girl you see walking to class everyday but haven't introduced yourself to yet.  
Go out and make someone feel special, and in turn, you will feel special, too.

Thank you to all who made today such a wonderful day, I love you all.  Seriously I am so blessed.  The Lord's hand is everywhere.  It's amazing really.  

I also just found this video, which made my day 10,000 times better.  All girls reading this, please watch and pass it along.  



Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday; September 5

Another week has gone by in the college life, and let me tell you, I'M LOVING EVERY SECOND OF IT.  Honestly, I couldn't be more content with my life right now.  My roommates and I get along so well, and I feel like we're already the best of friends. 

This week, I'm especially grateful for music.  Music has had such a positive impact on my life.  I recently made the institute choir here at Snow, Arise.  We've only had a few practices so far, but every time I go, I can honestly feel the spirit so strong.  I feel my Heavenly Father's love through His music and it's a way for me to connect with the Savior and my Father in Heaven.  I couldn't imagine my life without music, and it's definitely helped me this past week to grow closer to The Lord.  

I'm also really thankful for my mother.  She honestly knows the answers to EVERYTHING.  I can call her up whenever I have a question, or whenever I just need to talk.  Without her, I wouldn't have been able to make my killer Stir Fry last night.  :)  She has taught me so much, and I don't know where I would be without her.  Love you, mom!  

Anyways, I want all of you to keep in mind that there is so much to be thankful for.  God's hand is in everything, whether you choose to see it or not.  He loves each and every one of us, and He has blessings in store for you.  Just stay true to what you know, and He will never fail you. 


