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Wednesday, July 23, 2014


So.....I leave in a week to serve the Lord as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Edmonton, Canada...not a big deal, right? 


I'm so excited, nervous, happy, sentimental, crazy, anxious, stoked for it all!!!  It's happening so fast, I can't quite handle it.  Oh I'm just so excited.  It's FINALLY happening. 

If you have any questions regarding my religion, beliefs, or what missionary work is, click here for my personal profile on our church website, or here for an overview of the LDS church.

Also, this past week I made the last decked out package I'll ever make for my cute missionary!!!  WHHHAT???  Crazy, right?  He'll get home about 10 months before I do, so after that, the package making/decking out/sending will be his job. ;)  

His birthday is early in August, so my mom's going to send it for me after I leave so it gets to him around his birthday. :)  

I'm actually REALLY proud of this package....since he's been gone, I've come into terms with the crafty side of myself.  MISSIONS ARE MIRACLES I TELL YOU!  

Without further adieu, here's the package:

Simple directions for the package:

Cut out 13 (or however many you need) triangles of the same size, and write the letters on them..super easy, right?
Next, cut the ribbon so it reaches across the package (it's really up to you how long you want it)
Hot glue the triangles to the ribbon.
Next, get your scrapbook paper and cut it to the dimensions of the inside flaps of your box, and hot glue them to the inside (I wouldn't risk using glue sticks, they don't seem strong enough)
Lastly, I hot glued the ends of the ribbons to the OUTSIDE of the flaps.  (I tried to glue them to the inside before gluing the scrapbook paper, but it DID NOT work, but maybe I'm just not that talented hahah)

I did a little "party in a box" type thing, so I got...
Cake mix
Foil cake pan (like $2 at maceys)
And a special present I got for him (Canada T-Shirt) cute, right? :)

SUPER easy package.

On another note, I'll be posting on here probably once more with info regarding my mission address, email, blog and the like.

I hope you all have a fabulous day! 


Saturday, July 5, 2014


This past year, I've really come to fully recognize the importance of families.  Especially over this past week, it has really hit me how big of a role they play in my life, and to get sentimental, how much I'm going to miss them all when I leave to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a year and a half.  

No matter what I do or where I go in life, I know that my family will always be there for me with open arms and loving hearts.  I realize that there are a lot of people who don't have such supportive families, and that makes me sad.  It makes me especially grateful that I have been blessed with such amazing people in my life. 
I love you all!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

temples, cousins, & a skype sesh

Quite a bit has happened in this past week, so I figured I'd blog about it for all of you who read this (aka probably only my mom and grandma.  thanks guys.) 

Anywho, since I have my mission call, I was able to go through the temple and receive my endowment!  I chose to go through the Jordan River Temple since that's where my beautiful family was sealed a little less than 18 years ago.  (wow, I'm old.)  Here's a little throwback for ya'll. 

Yeah, I know.  My dad had hair.  Weird, right? 

On Thursday, May 8th, 2014, I received my endowment.  It was a little overwhelming, but I felt the spirit so incredibly strong.  Now it's time to go as much as possible before I head out to Canada!  :)  
Also, thanks so much to my wonderful family and friends who were able to join me in such a big event in my life, it really meant so much.


 This weekend I got to go to my cousin Andrew's state soccer games!  He's only a freshman and he's starting varsity!  I'm so glad I was able to go to watch him play.  Although they lost in the state championship game, they played their little hearts out.  Annnnd they got to play at Rio Tinto--kind of a big deal.  Anyways, he did fantastic.  I also got to watch my cousin Josh's baseball games!  This kid has been my bff since birth and I'm so proud to call him my cousin.

Andrew and I after his first game^^^

Now for the skype sesh...Sunday was Mothers Day, and as you all know, Mothers Day is one of the two days a year that missionaries get to skype or call home!  On Sunday morning, I was surprised to get a text from Adam's mom saying that I was welcome to come over during his skype call!  I was so not expecting it, and it made me super nervous to be honest.  I didn't know if I should go because I didn't want to freak him out or distract him or anything, but eventually I ended up going.  Let me just tell you that it was probably the greatest thing I've ever done...seriously.  Just hearing his laugh and his voice that I haven't heard in over a year put me on cloud 9!  And I'm still on cloud 9..I'm not sure if it's supposed to last this long...but I'll take it! Only one more year until I talk to him again when I'm out on my mish and he's home!
Although this wait/decision to serve as well has been one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do, I know it's going to be more than worth it.  1 year and 9 months til we're together again?  We're getting there.


Monday, May 5, 2014

One fish, two fish. . .

If you haven't been to the aquarium in Draper, you need to go.  Last week, Britney, Sam, Sophi and I got to make a little trip there and let me tell you it was wonderful!  

 I mean, how often do you get photo bombed by a shark? 

Anyways, it was well worth the $15.

That's all.



Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dear Sister Jones. . .

Last Thursday was the day: the day I found out where I would be serving for the next 18 months of my life!  

Let me just tell you now that it was arguably one of the longest days of my life.  I didn't think  7:45 would ever come around.  I hadn't been nervous all week, but once I woke up Thursday morning, the butterflies in my stomach began.  They didn't leave me alone until I finally tore that envelope open and read those precious words.  

Upon arriving at my parents house, I was anxious as can be.  So many family and friends were already there, and that made me even more emotional!  My dad then gave me a priesthood blessing to help me feel calm and at peace.  Right when he started that blessing, a feeling of complete contentment fell upon me.  Complete trust in the Lord filled my heart.  I was ready.  

Finally, after hugging a few friends, it was time!  As I held back my tears, we gathered in the living room and I tore it open to read the words that will ultimately change my life forever:

Dear Sister Jones:
 You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  You are assigned to labor in the Canada Edmonton Mission.  It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. 
You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, July 30, 2014.  You will prepare to preach the gospel in the English language.  

CANADA??!?  I can't even say that was the last place I expected..because I didn't expect it at all!  

I can hardly begin to describe my joy and complete peace that I have with this call to serve.  I know there's a reason I have been called to serve the people of Canada, and I'm so excited to share this wonderful gospel and happiness with the world!    THE CHURCH IS TRUE, MY FRIENDS.



Sister Jones

Sunday, April 6, 2014

one year.....WAIT WHAT?

Guess What.
This Thursday, April 10th, Adam will have been out for a whole year.

I don't think it's quite hit me yet that I've been doing this whole waiting thing for a year.  It feels like yesterday that I was freaking out over his one month mark.  Boy am I glad those days are over!
Anyways, for his year mark and Easter, I'm sending him a package!
I'm pretty proud of it to be honest.  My creativity skills have definitely improved since he left.

It was both his and his companion's year mark, so I sent double the goods.

Cadbury Eggs (of course, it's Easter)
Reese's Eggs (ditto that^^^)
Missionary Peeps (here's how to make them)
President Uchtdorf's "You Can Do It Now" talk (here's the link)
CD full of church songs
and a little "Easter Egg Hunt of Christ's Last Days"
I got the Easter Egg idea from another blog!  You can click here for the details and templates!

I also got the missionary peeps idea from the same blog above.  Kayci and I made some sister missionary peeps as well to send to some sister missionaries who are out in the field right now!  Here are some pictures:

 Thanks to Kayci for helping me with these, they actually turned out!

It's so crazy to me that Adam's been out a whole year.  I'll see him in less than two years by the time I get home from my mission!!! :)  We'll know for sure exactly how long it will be on Thursday night when I open my mission call.  

Happy year mark to my best friend and his companion! :) 



Saturday, March 22, 2014

By their fruits, ye shall know them.

As I was doing my scripture study today, I was reading in 3 Nephi chapter 14.  This is when Christ has come to the Americas and is teaching the people.  
He warns in verse 14, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
This verse especially got me thinking.  Although there are many literal false prophets in our day, there are also so many distractions in our world that are the same thing.  Just think about it.  How many things do you see everyday that promise "happiness" and "peace"?  We are constantly bombarded by things of this world that claim to make people happy, when in reality they only bring temporary satisfaction and ultimately.. sadness.  When it comes to material things of this world, we will always feel incomplete.  We will always want more.  What we have is NEVER going to be enough.  There will always be a newer, better, trendier version of what you have.  Clothes, technology, cars, diets, followers on social media, likes on your Instagram picture, etc.  The madness never ends!!!  It's kind of discomforting actually.

While these material things can ultimately bring us down, they aren't all bad.  But how the heck are we supposed to tell the difference between a good thing and a bad thing in this world full of constant contradicting messages??  Jesus shows us how in these next verses.  Starting in 16,
"Ye shall know them by their fruits.  Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit."
Then skipping down to verse 20, "Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them."  

This didn't quite make complete sense to me at first; I had to go back and reread it a few times, but finally it hit me.  It's really not all that hard to know a good thing from a bad thing.  All you have to do is look at what it brings about.  Look at the end result, not the immediate, temporary one. 

Whenever you are faced with something promising you happiness, although it's much easier said than done, just look at the big picture.  Is this really going to matter later on in my life?  If it will affect your life in a positive way, pursue it.  If not, is it really worth wasting energy, time and possibly your eternal wellbeing over?  
Life gets pretty crazy and extremely difficult at times, but it doesn't have to be all that complicated.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ provides a simple answer to our lives.  
3 Nephi 27:16: "And it shall come to pass, that whoso repenteth and is baptized in my name shall be filled; and if he endureth to the end, behold him will I hold guiltless before my Father at that day when I shall stand to judge the world."

I know without a doubt that my Savior loves me.  He loves all of us individually.  He died so that I can return to live with Him again and have eternal happiness.  He will never leave me in a state of confusion, but He will lead me and guide me to do what's right.  I know that He will receive anyone and everyone that comes to Him with a sincere heart, He loves you.  With Him, I can conquer over every hardship and trial that is placed in my path.  He will never leave me comfortless.

(C.S. Lewis nails it.  Every time.  ^^^)



Saturday, March 8, 2014

Faith in His Timing

You may or may not know this, but just last Sunday, I started the process of completing my mission papers!  And I've had a lot of people ask me why, and why so sudden and all that stuff.  So I'm just going to explain why I've decided to serve a full time LDS mission.

For quite some time, I've been planning on going to China to teach English for this coming Fall semester.  I actually had most of my application done, and was ready to submit my paperwork.  I even already got my passport.  I'd been praying about this trip for a long time.  I also had the option to not go to China, and finish up my associates degree here at Snow College and be here when my sweet missionary gets home.  Neither of these choices made me feel bad in any way, but neither of them felt awesome.  Don't get me wrong, I was super excited to go to China.  I was so ready to get out and go!  The idea of going on a mission came to my head quite a few times, but I just kept pushing it aside.  I didn't really want to put my life on hold here to serve a mission for a year and a half.

A couple weeks ago, one of my best friends, Rachel, had her mission farewell!  That weekend, I went home to Spanish Fork, and my three best friends and I were able to spend time together and were lucky enough to sing together at Rachel's farewell.  Her farewell was amazing, and still, a mission for me kept coming into my head.  It started to freak me out a little bit, seeing as I could be leaving so soon!  There was so much going on that it stressed me out.  I also didn't really want to go because my boyfriend who is serving a mission has almost been out a whole year!  I've waited a whole year and now I'm just going to make this wait even longer??  Well.  Yes.  But I didn't come to this conclusion quite yet.

(aren't they the cutest??^^^)

All day the thought of a mission was on my mind.  That night, my best friend Kayci opened her mission call.  The spirit was felt so strongly, and I still felt that's what I needed to do. 

 For those of you who don't know, I turned 19 in September.  I actually almost went on a mission instead of college this past year, but when I prayed about it, it didn't feel right.  I was actually pretty bugged about it.  If I wanted to serve, why couldn't I??  The Lord was persistent in his answer to me that I needed to be at college this year.  Having faith in the Lord also consists with having faith in His timing.  And now the time is right.  It's my time to serve the Lord wherever I am called, and I couldn't be any happier.  I'm hoping to have my papers in within the next couple of weeks. 

This Gospel is true my friends.  The fact that I am so blessed to have been born into this church amazes me.  If I am blessed enough to have a testimony of our Savior and Lord, it's my duty to share it with those who don't have the knowledge that I do.  I'm so excited to share this wonderful faith by being called to serve as a missionary in the Lord's field.   

"Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come." --D&C68:6

If you're having a hard time finding answers to prayers, this is a phenomenal video to watch!  It has helped me so much in this decision to serve. 



Monday, February 10, 2014

valentines shmalentines..

Soooooooo Valentines Day is this week!
Don't worry, I won't bore you with all that mushy stuff like true love or kissing or holding hands or getting flowers or heart shaped chocolates or having a romantic candle lit dinner with a handsome boy. 

Who needs mushy stuff anyway?

I just wanted to post about my Valentines Package to my favorite missionary, and now District Leader! (he's been out 10 months today, btw)

I wasn't planning on going all out, but that's when I realized that since I made his Christmas package all cutesy and such, I couldn't let him down with just a plain cardboard box.  So I just put this together real quick, taped up the box and sent it off to North Carolina!

I gave him a tie (of course, he's a missionary, duh), a T-shirt for pdays, and of course Reeses (don't worry, I got the heart shaped kind.  I'm not that heartless).

I also had an abrupt realization today while complaining about not having a Valentine here.  Most people complain about not having someone to go on a cute date with on the blessed V-Day, but really, it shouldn't be a bad thing.  Once you get married, you have the rest of forever to have a special someone on Valentines Day.  But you only have a few more without one.  
I know that was quite a stretch, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

Anywho, I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day full of chocolate, chick flicks, and all that other mushy stuff that comes along with good ol' February 14th.



Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Resting Hour

Things have been pretty crazy lately, and I've been a little down.  Life is happening right before my eyes, and no matter what I do, I've realized it's not possible to slow it down.  I, like so many other college students in my position, have so many big decisions to make.  It's been stressful, but today I got a much needed letter from the sweetest boy, my missionary. :)  

I usually try not to tell him all the things I'm having a hard time with, because his mission is his first priority and the last thing I want to be is a distraction.  In the last letter I sent, I just told him I was having a bit of a hard time, and his response was priceless.  It's such an incredible blessing to have his eternal perspective on what I've been going through.  His words helped me, so I'm sure they can help some of you.

The Lord is so aware of each and every one of us, and He gives us trials and hardships so that we will turn to Him for help and comfort.  He truly loves each and every one of his children more than we can even try to comprehend.  In Adam's letter, he sent me this little quote:

"God sent a man to push a large boulder.  The man pushed and pushed on the boulder.  Satan came by and said, 'why are you pushing on that boulder?  You'll never be able to move it.'  The man became discouraged.  He went to God and asked why he had been sent to push a boulder he would never be able to move.  God said, 'I never expected or told you to move the boulder.  I told you to push the boulder.  In pushing the boulder, your arms, back, and legs have been strengthened and you have become strong.'"

When times get rough, we need to turn to the Lord, and He will show us how he is strengthening and shaping us.  Blessings will always come from turning to the Lord, and by putting our trust in God, we will be able to get through anything we may face in this life.

"Righteous sorrow and suffering carve cavities in the soul that will later become reservoirs of joy."

D&C 122:7-9
"7 And if though shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape opn the mouth wide after thee, now thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. 
8 The Son of Man hath descended below them all.  Art thou greater than he?
9 Therefore, hold on thy way, and the priesthood shall remain with thee; for their bounds are set, they cannot pass.  Thy days are known and they years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever."

 God loves us.  God loves you
His hand is stretched out for you, all you have to do is reach for it.



"When we are broken we’re not forgotten
You will be strong
And even though that fight that we’re facing
Leaves you burned out and shaken
You’re not alone
 Give it all to me
I can be your resting hour."

Friday, January 10, 2014

nine months

I'm just feeling a little nostalgic tonight, seeing as Adam has officially been out for 9 whole months! 
I've spent the night organizing all the pictures on my phone and laptop, and came across a bunch from the Summer of 2012; the best Summer yet.

This particular July evening was spent with Adam and my family.  We went to the Owls game, and watched fireworks after.  Somehow, this picture from that night was saved on my phone after almost 2 years.  
And just like that, the memories come rushing back.

9 months.

9 months ago I said goodbye to my best friend for 2 whole years.

and in 3 months I'll be halfway there.

I'm thankful for all the time we were able to spend together before he left to serve the people of North Carolina and Virginia.  And I'm especially excited for all the time we'll be able to spend together when he returns.

2 years compared to eternity, right?



Friday, January 3, 2014

A Much Needed Break

Hello friends!  Tonight, I'm blogging because this wonderful Christmas break is coming to a close.
It's a little sad, but I'm actually pretty excited to get back to school and do something with my life.

I have this issue with breaks..I love them, but after a few days I get extremely bored, and I feel like I need to be doing something.  So it's relieving a lot of stress knowing that I'll be back in the school grind in a couple of days.

I guess this is the part where I tell you all about the crazy things I did over the 1 2 3....GO!

Throughout the first part of the break, I got to work at the job I have missed so much this past semester!  Seeing my little babies (or not so little anymore) was seriously the greatest thing.  Over the Summer, I worked as the infant teacher at Kids Count Daycare.  It was really hard, but oh so rewarding. I have come to know that you truly do come to love those you serve.  

My awesome cousin came up to play basketball against Springville, and I got to go watch him play!  This kid is one of a kind.  Not only is he an amazing athlete, he's an incredible person as well.
I love you Joshy!!!

(aaand he likes to pretend he's taller than me)


During the break, I got to get back to my old bookworm habits.  Need I say more?

I sent an adorable package to my favorite missionary....

Aaaand I got one as well.  :)  

I was able to spend some quality time with these beautiful sisters of mine, and we got our annual Christmas Jammies!!!

Photobombed by a moose ^^^

We're really good at playing toy kitchen.

We also have really intense Hungry Hungry Hippos tournaments.

Aaaand Sophi ended up being on the nice list after all..:)  

I've loved being able to spend so much time with my family this break!  It's nice to have that reminder of what really matters in this life.  It's so easy to get distracted by worldly things that in reality, don't mean anything.  I'm so blessed to have such a supportive and loving family, because when it comes down to it, that's what really matters.  

Now it's time to get back down to Ephraim and show Snow College who's boss!  :)

