I'm just feeling a little nostalgic tonight, seeing as Adam has officially been out for 9 whole months!
I've spent the night organizing all the pictures on my phone and laptop, and came across a bunch from the Summer of 2012; the best Summer yet.
This particular July evening was spent with Adam and my family. We went to the Owls game, and watched fireworks after. Somehow, this picture from that night was saved on my phone after almost 2 years.
And just like that, the memories come rushing back.
9 months.
9 months ago I said goodbye to my best friend for 2 whole years.
and in 3 months I'll be halfway there.
I'm thankful for all the time we were able to spend together before he left to serve the people of North Carolina and Virginia. And I'm especially excited for all the time we'll be able to spend together when he returns.
Hello friends! Tonight, I'm blogging because this wonderful Christmas break is coming to a close.
It's a little sad, but I'm actually pretty excited to get back to school and do something with my life.
I have this issue with breaks..I love them, but after a few days I get extremely bored, and I feel like I need to be doing something. So it's relieving a lot of stress knowing that I'll be back in the school grind in a couple of days.
I guess this is the part where I tell you all about the crazy things I did over the break..so 1 2 3....GO!
Throughout the first part of the break, I got to work at the job I have missed so much this past semester! Seeing my little babies (or not so little anymore) was seriously the greatest thing. Over the Summer, I worked as the infant teacher at Kids Count Daycare. It was really hard, but oh so rewarding. I have come to know that you truly do come to love those you serve.
My awesome cousin came up to play basketball against Springville, and I got to go watch him play! This kid is one of a kind. Not only is he an amazing athlete, he's an incredible person as well.
I love you Joshy!!!
(aaand he likes to pretend he's taller than me)
During the break, I got to get back to my old bookworm habits. Need I say more?
I sent an adorable package to my favorite missionary....
Aaaand I got one as well. :)
I was able to spend some quality time with these beautiful sisters of mine, and we got our annual Christmas Jammies!!!
Photobombed by a moose ^^^
We're really good at playing toy kitchen.
We also have really intense Hungry Hungry Hippos tournaments.
Aaaand Sophi ended up being on the nice list after all..:)
I've loved being able to spend so much time with my family this break! It's nice to have that reminder of what really matters in this life. It's so easy to get distracted by worldly things that in reality, don't mean anything. I'm so blessed to have such a supportive and loving family, because when it comes down to it, that's what really matters.
Now it's time to get back down to Ephraim and show Snow College who's boss! :)