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Wednesday, July 23, 2014


So.....I leave in a week to serve the Lord as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Edmonton, Canada...not a big deal, right? 


I'm so excited, nervous, happy, sentimental, crazy, anxious, stoked for it all!!!  It's happening so fast, I can't quite handle it.  Oh I'm just so excited.  It's FINALLY happening. 

If you have any questions regarding my religion, beliefs, or what missionary work is, click here for my personal profile on our church website, or here for an overview of the LDS church.

Also, this past week I made the last decked out package I'll ever make for my cute missionary!!!  WHHHAT???  Crazy, right?  He'll get home about 10 months before I do, so after that, the package making/decking out/sending will be his job. ;)  

His birthday is early in August, so my mom's going to send it for me after I leave so it gets to him around his birthday. :)  

I'm actually REALLY proud of this package....since he's been gone, I've come into terms with the crafty side of myself.  MISSIONS ARE MIRACLES I TELL YOU!  

Without further adieu, here's the package:

Simple directions for the package:

Cut out 13 (or however many you need) triangles of the same size, and write the letters on them..super easy, right?
Next, cut the ribbon so it reaches across the package (it's really up to you how long you want it)
Hot glue the triangles to the ribbon.
Next, get your scrapbook paper and cut it to the dimensions of the inside flaps of your box, and hot glue them to the inside (I wouldn't risk using glue sticks, they don't seem strong enough)
Lastly, I hot glued the ends of the ribbons to the OUTSIDE of the flaps.  (I tried to glue them to the inside before gluing the scrapbook paper, but it DID NOT work, but maybe I'm just not that talented hahah)

I did a little "party in a box" type thing, so I got...
Cake mix
Foil cake pan (like $2 at maceys)
And a special present I got for him (Canada T-Shirt) cute, right? :)

SUPER easy package.

On another note, I'll be posting on here probably once more with info regarding my mission address, email, blog and the like.

I hope you all have a fabulous day! 


Saturday, July 5, 2014


This past year, I've really come to fully recognize the importance of families.  Especially over this past week, it has really hit me how big of a role they play in my life, and to get sentimental, how much I'm going to miss them all when I leave to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a year and a half.  

No matter what I do or where I go in life, I know that my family will always be there for me with open arms and loving hearts.  I realize that there are a lot of people who don't have such supportive families, and that makes me sad.  It makes me especially grateful that I have been blessed with such amazing people in my life. 
I love you all!